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Black Ops 2 Zombies Farm 2 Player Strategy

Bus Depot

The Bus Depot is the smallest of the survival maps and is arguably the most challenging due to the limited playing area snd lack of perk-a-cola machines on offer. You can open the door between the Bus Depot and an outside zone for 750 points. You will find the following weapons on the map:

(500 Points) > M14 > Inside the Bus Depot building.

(500 Points) > Olympia > Inside the Bus Depot building.

(1000 Points) > MP5 > On the wall directly across the street from the entrance to the Bus Depot.

(1500 Points) > Remington 870 > On the outside wall of the Bus Depot, to the left of the door. The mystery box is located to the right of the openable door along the outside wall of the Bus Depot.

Your best bet for survival here is to kill enough zombies to open the door and purchase some better weapons and then create a zombie train around the crashed bus on the street outside.

The Farm

The Farm map is slightly bigger than the Bus depot survival map and features more weapons and four perk-a-cola machines to really boost your chances of long term survival exponentially. You can open the door to the farmhouse for 750 points.

You will find the following weapons on the map:

(500 points) > Olympia > On the back of a crate on the ground floor of the barn.

(1000 Points) > MP5 > Inside the locked farmhouse on the second floor.

(6000 Points) > Galvaknuckles > In the shed between the farmhouse and the barn.

You will find the following perk-a-cola machines on the map: -

Quick Revive > In the outdoor area next to the entrance to the barn.

Double Tap RB > on the second floor of the barn.

Speed Cola > Inside the locked farmhouse on the ground floor.

Jugger-Nog > Inside the locked farmhouse on the second floor. The mystery box is located on the balcony on the second floor of the farmhouse.

Your best bet for survival here is to kill enough zombies to open the door and purchase some better weapons, grab the Jugger-nog and Quick Revive perks and then create a zombie train around the truck in the centre of the area between the barn and the farmhouse.


The Town is by far the largest of the survival maps and features several doors to open, numerous weapons to purchase and an assortment of Perk-a-Cola machines on offer. it also offers the largest outdoor area of any of the other survival maps providing plenty of room to move about when taking down the zombie horde. There are several doors you can open including:

  • You can open the door to the Bar for 750 points.
  • You can open the door to the Burning Building for 750 points.
  • You can open the door to the Bank for 1000 points.
    You will find the following weapons on the map:

(500 Points) > M14 > On the wall of the bank to the right of the door opposite the bar.

(500 Points) > Olympia > On the outside of the burning building, to the right of the open door opposite the alley with the mystery box spawn spot.

(250 Points) > Semtex Grenade > Inside the open doorway opposite the alley with the mystery box spawn loaction.

(1000 Points) > MP5 > Inside the locked burning building on the second floor.

(6000 Points) > Galvaknuckles > at the foot of the stairs inside the locked bar.

You will find the following cola machines:

Quick Revive > on the second floor of the locked Bar.

Stamin-Up > on the wall of the Bar to the left of the exit facing the bank.

Jugger-Nog > on the second floor inside the locked burning building.

Speed Cola > Inside the locked bank.

Double Tap RB > In the alleyway on the left side of the street at the far end of the area from the Bank and the Bar.

Tombstone Soda > Near the mystery box that is located in the alleyway on the left side of the street at the far end of the area from the Bank and the Bar.

There are two mystery box locations in the Town Survival map:

  • On the second floor of the locked Bar.
  • In the alleyway on the left side of the street at the far end of the area from the Bank and the Bar.
    There is a Pack-a-Punch machine in the lava pit in the centre of the area.

As with the other survival maps, the trick to staying alive is to earn enough points to graduate to better weapons and unlock Perk-a-Colas. The MP5 and Jugger-Nog should be a priority and you can also go and check out the mystery box right away if it is in the outdoor location (or after a few rounds if it is in the bar).

Afterwards its a matter of grabbing upgrades where you can and creating zombie trains in the open street area until its safe to take them out. Repeat until you can go no further!

Black Ops 2 Zombies Farm 2 Player Strategy
