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Editorial - (2016) Volume 1, Issue 2

A Comparative Study of Conformational Behavior of Isotretinoin (13ÃÆ'¢Â€Ââ€Å"Cis Retinoic Acrid) and Tretinoin (AllÃÆ'¢Â€Ââ€Å"Trans Retinoic Acid (ATRA)) Nano Particles as AntiÃÆ'¢Â€Ââ€Å"Cancer Nano Drugs under Synchrotron Radiations Using HartreeÃÆ'¢Â€Ââ€Å"Fock (HF) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) Methods

Alireza Heidari*

Kinesthesia of Chemistry, California South University, 14731 Comet St. Irvine, California 92604, Usa

*Corresponding Writer:

Alireza Heidari
Faculty of Chemistry, California South
University, 14731 Comet St. Irvine
California, 92604, USA
Tel: 1800-477-2254
E-mail: [electronic mail protected]

Received engagement: September 15, 2016; Accepted engagement: September 21, 2016; Published engagement: September 26, 2016

Citation: Heidari A. A Comparative Study of Conformational Behavior of Isotretinoin (13is Retinoic Acrid) and Tretinoin (AllTrans Retinoic Acid (ATRA)) Nano Particles equally Anti"Cancer Nano Drugs under Synchrotron Radiations Using HartreeFock (HF) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) Methods. Insights in Biomed. 2016, ane:2.

In club to know most the conformational behavior of isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) and tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acrid (ATRA)) Nano particles under synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle beam travels effectually a stock-still closed–loop path (Figure 1), we have calculated the optimized molecular geometries of isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) and tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acid (ATRA)) Nanoparticles. Calculations are carried out on the structures of these Nano compounds using Hartree–Fock (HF) calculations and also Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods by performing HF, PM3, MM2, MM3, AM1, MP2, MP3, MP4, CCSD, CCSD(T), LDA, BVWN, BLYP and B3LYP levels of theory using the standard 31G, vi–31G*, vi–31+G*, 6–31G(3df, 3pd), six–311G, 6–311G* and 6–311+G* basis sets of the Gaussian 09 [one–24]. The equilibrium structures and comparative heats of formation have been calculated and analyzed for these Nano compounds. A comparative report of shows that the HF optimized molecular structures of the isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) and tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acid (ATRA)) Nano particles are in skillful arrangement with those of the HF/half dozen–31G(3df, 3pd) method (Figure 2).


Figure 1a: Molecular structure of isotretinoin (13cis retinoic acrid) Nano particles.


Figure 1b: Tretinoin (alltrans retinoic acid (ATRA)) Nano particles [114].


Effigy 2: Optimized molecular structure of isotretinoin (13cis retinoic acid) Nano particles in the HF/631G (3df, 3pd) method [114].

On the other hand, isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) and tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acrid (ATRA)) Nano particles under synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle beam travels around a fixed closed–loop path are spread throughout nature which motivates their apply as oral pharmaceutical Nano drugs primarily used to treat severe nodular acne which motivates their apply every bit reaction substrates [25–55]. Rarely, they are also used to forbid sure skin cancers (squamous–prison cell carcinoma) and also in the handling of other cancers under synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle beam travels around a fixed closed–loop path [25–55]. Moreover, they are used to treat harlequin–type ichthyosis, a usually lethal skin disease, and lamellar ichthyosis under synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle beam travels around a fixed closed–loop path [25–55]. Information technology should be noted that they are retinoid, pregnant they are related to vitamin A (beta–carotene), and are found in small-scale quantities naturally in the body nether synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle axle travels around a fixed airtight– loop path [25–55]. Isotretinoin (xiii–cis retinoic acrid) isomer, tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acid (ATRA)), is likewise an acne drug under synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle beam travels around a fixed closed–loop path [25–55]. A high number of their oxygenated derivatives are used equally flavours and fragrances in the food and perfume industries under synchrotron radiation in which the accelerating particle axle travels around a fixed closed–loop path [25–55].

In the course of our editorial, we take investigated the isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) and tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acid (ATRA)) Nano particles equally anti–cancer Nano drugs under synchrotron radiation in which the accelerating particle beam travels around a fixed closed–loop path. Also, in the present editorial, we take calculated the optimized molecular geometries of isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) Nano particles (Figure 2). This anti–cancer Nano drug is used to manufacture a number of products for the pharmaceutical, biochemical, medical and medicinal industries under synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle axle travels effectually a fixed closed–loop path. This anti–cancer Nano drug is also the precursor for creation of many pharmaceutical, biochemical, medical and medicinal Nano compounds nether synchrotron radiation in which the accelerating particle beam travels effectually a fixed closed–loop path. Therefore, information technology can be ended that in order to know more than about the conformational beliefs of this Nano chemical compound, we have investigated conformational assay of it nether synchrotron radiations in which the accelerating particle beam travels around a fixed airtight–loop path.

The high level Density Functional Theory (DFT) method with half dozen–31G(3df, 3pd) ground set is used to obtain the optimum structures of isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) Nano particles. The HF– optimized molecular structures were used as the initial geometry in these Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. In addition, a comparative report shows that the HF optimized molecular structures of the isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) Nano particles are in practiced system with those of the HF/six–31G (3df, 3pd) method. Furthermore, similar to the HFx method, HF/six–31G (3df, 3pd) heats of germination is the largest for isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acid) Nano particles and the least for tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acid (ATRA)) Nano particles. Therefore, it can be concluded that HF method can approximate the optimized molecular structures of isotretinoin (13–cis retinoic acrid) and tretinoin (all–trans retinoic acid (ATRA)) Nano particles within an acceptable and reasonable accuracy and precision in much shorter times.


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