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How to Get Rythm Bot to Join Channel

Rythm is a popular music-playing bot that helps you listen to music with your Discord community. It supports YouTube, YouTube Music, SoundCloud, Twitch, and other music streaming services to play on the Discord. But how to use Rythm bot on Discord?

Today, we will discuss how to add Rythm to your server, use it, features that you need to check out, and also how to remove it if you are not happy. In short, everything you need to know about the Rythm bot on Discord.

How to Add Rythm Bot to Your Discord Server

To add the Rythm bot to Discord server, open the Rythm official website. You can find the "Add to Discord" as the first option in the right sidebar, click on it.

Adding Rythm to Discord

You will be asked to sign in to Discord if not already.

discord sign in screen

This will open a discord page to add the bot to your server. Just select Server in the drop-down menu and click on Continue. If the server you wanted to add the bot to is unavailable, you probably don't have the necessary permissions to add bots to that specific server. You should contact someone with an admin or higher role to add the bot for you.

Selecting discord server to add Rythm

Rythm will ask for Admin's permission. You can turn it off and click on Continue as Rythm does not need admin's permissions to work.

disable admin permissions on discord

That's it. You have successfully added Rythm bot to your Discord server and you will be redirected to the Rythm official web page.

Rythm Offcial Home Page

Open Discord and then the server that you have added the Rythm bot to. You will find a welcome message from Rythm and some basic info to get started.

Rythm welcome message on Discord server

Also Checkout: How to self-assign User Roles on Discord

How to Use Rythm Bot

The prefix of Rythm bot is "!". With it, you can use a number of commands such as play, pause, resume, shuffle, queue, etc.

playing and pausing the Rythm player

You can use the command "!Play" and then type the name of a song or YouTube URL to start playing it and everyone in that group can listen to the same.

Playing song on Rythm with URL

You can similarly use other commands like skip, remove, loop, etc. with a prefix! before it. Check out this command list for Rythm and learn more on how to use them in Discord.

managing songs on Rythm in Discord

Make sure that people are not spamming Rythm commands on all your channels leading to spam. To do so, create a separate music control text channel by clicking on the plus "+" sign beside text channels.

creating music text channel in discord

Give the channel a name related to music control (easy to remember) and click on "Create Channel".

Creating a text channel for music control

Also, make sure that these commands are not working on other channels so that it forces people to use the specific channel we have created to control the music. To block other channels, double-click on the channel name and click on "Edit Channel".

editing discord channels

Click on the Permissions option in the left sidebar and then select Plus "+" sign beside Roles/Members.

Adding Rythm to channel setting permissions

Select the Rythm bot from the list.

Adding Rythm to channel settings

In the Rythm role permissions view, turn off the "Read Messages" permission, so that Rythm cannot read messages from the channel. This can force people to stop using other channels as music control channels.

turning of Read messages option

Now you need to do the same on all the text channels in your server so that the only channel reaming is the channel we have created.

Rythm Bot Features

Rythm also has a few nifty features that you need to check. First, you can change the prefix "!" just by using the command !settings prefix.

Changing Prefix for Rythm on discord

You can access lyrics of currently playing song by typing !lyrics.

search lyrics using Rythm on discord

Just type !play and then add the YouTube Playlist URL to play the YouTube Playlist.

Play YouTube Playlist on the Rythm

You use the !loop and !loopqueue options to loop a song or the queue respectively.

Looping songs with rythm on discord

There is option to directly search on YouTube using '!search' and the song name option. This will show you links of videos from YouTube in a list.

search youtube songs Rythm on discord

How to Remove the Rythm Bot from Server

Often times people add bots to test them out and then want to remove them for various reasons. But removing bots from the Discord server is a weird process.

To remove, just type !play in the channel where Rythm can read. It will reply with a message saying it's invalid.

play message with Rythm

Right-click on "Rythm" bot name and select "Kick Rythm" to remove Rythm from your Discord server.

remove rhytm bot from discord server

You can also do the same from the "Members List", but if you have a lot of people on the server, it hard to find the bot as there is no search feature.

Will You Use Rhytm Bot on Discord Server

Though Rythm doesn't support Spotify, it always has been my favorite music bot on Discord due to its reliability. The fact that it doesn't lag in between and responds to every command is really good compared to other music bots. But I recommend you to check out Groovy and Botify as they are the best alternatives you can choose.

Also Checkout: Best Discord bots to Build and Maintain an Awesome Server

Ravi Teja KNTS

Tech Enthusiast & Cinephile by Nature / Always on the Beta World / Currently interested in PWAs, Cloud, AI, Ecosystems & Esthetics. But I keep changing my mind faster than Google's Messaging apps.

How to Get Rythm Bot to Join Channel
