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How to Get My Ged for Free Online

Our free online GED classes help you to take the GED test with confidence.

Here, you can prepare for the Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts GED® Tests. Every subject module has 3 parts: a study guide, lessons, and practice tests.

Every lesson includes a video, quiz, and text. These lessons represent a small part of the Onsego GED Prep. Onsego offers a complete GED Prep Course that the GED Testing Service recognizes as 100% aligned with the GED test.

To start using published here online GED classes, choose one of the subjects below. No enrollment is required. Let's get started.

Math GED Classes

Math classes include 3 parts: GED MATH Study Guide, 44 GED Math Lessons, and 20 Math Practice Tests.

Math GED Study Guide

This includes a syllabus of the GED Math Exam with a full explanation. It's a helpful source of what's on the GED Math test.

Click here to access the GED Math Study Guide.

44 GED Math Lessons

This part includes the most important Math topics that every GED candidate needs to know.

These topics include Fractions and Decimals, Rates and Ratios, Statistics, Geometry, and Algebra.

Click here to access 44 GED Math Lessons.

GED Math Practice Tests

20 Math Practice tests with more than 200 questions, from Fractions and Decimals to Algebra.

Click here to access GED Math Practice Tests.

GED Social Studies Classes

Social Studies classes include 3 parts: GED Social Studies Study Guide, 24 Social Studies Lessons, and Social Studies Practice Tests.

Social Studies GED Study Guide

The Social Studies GED Study Guide includes a syllabus of the GED Social Studies Exam with a full explanation.

It's a helpful source of what's on the GED Social Studies test. Click here to access the GED Social Studies Guide.

24 GED Social Studies Lessons

This part includes  24 free Social Studies Lessons.

The lessons include U.S. History, Important Historical Documents, Government and Civics, and Geography.

Click here to access GED Social Studies Lessons.

15 GED Social Studies Practice Tests

15 Social Studies Practice Tests with more than 165 questions, from US History to Economy.

Click here to access GED Social Studies Practice Tests.

Science GED Classes

Science classes include 3 parts: GED Science Study Guide, 24 Science Lessons, and Science Practice Tests.

Science GED Study Guide

The Science GED Study Guide includes a syllabus of the GED Science Exam with a full explanation. It's a helpful source of what's on the GED Science test.

Click here to access the GED Science Guide.

24 GED Science Lessons

This part includes  24 free science lessons.

Included topics: Life Science, Physics, and Earth and Space Science.

Click here to access GED Science Lessons.

GED Science Practice Tests

15 GED Science Practice Tests with more than 165 questions, from Human Body to Physics.

Click here to access GED Science Practice Tests.

GED Language Arts Classes

Language classes include 3 parts: GED Language Arts Study Guide, 24 Language Arts Lessons, and Language Arts Practice Tests.

Language Arts GED Study Guide and Classes

The Language Arts GED Study Guide includes a syllabus of the GED Language Arts Exam with a full explanation. It's a helpful source of what's on the GED Science test.

Click here to access the GED Language Arts Guide.

24 Language Arts Lessons

This part includes 24 free Language Arts Lessons.

Included topics: Grammar, Sentence Structure, Reading, and Writing the GED Essay.

Click here to access GED Language Arts Lessons.

15 GED Language Arts Practice Tests

5 GED Language Arts Practice Tests with more than 165 questions, from Punctuation to Reading Comprehension.

Click here to access GED Language Arts Practice Tests.

By structuring the study material in bite-sized and easy-to-understand pieces that students can tackle on their own terms and review their progress, we make GED prep a fun, motivating, and free option.

Are Online GED Classes for Me?

Online GED classes can be incredibly beneficial, especially for students who prefer visual and auditory learning and who can study independently.

Visual learners remember information better if it is presented visually rather than if that information is presented verbally. Therefore, visual learners love videos.

Auditory learners prefer listening, and these students usually pay more attention to the sound than to the images. They like to re-listen the lessons.

So, if you are a visual or auditory learner, you should give online classes a try.

How Online GED Classes Work

Online GED Classes are different than traditional classes. You are your own boss and you decide how long and when you want to study. Developing study tips is beneficial and it will help you prepare for the GED test faster.

Here is a short overview of this process.

Choose a subject to study offers a series of online classes that help you enhance and master your academic skills.

To begin, choose a subject you'd like to start with. You don't need to enroll, just come back to this website regularly and take the next lesson. It's okay to complete just one subject — you can come back to your learning at any time.

When you are done with all lessons, take also the corresponding subject practice tests.

Summary of Online GED Classes

  • 100% online. Start instantly and learn at your schedule. No enrollment is required.
  • Beginner Level. These classes are appropriate for all learners.
  • 2-6 months to finish.

Sign up for the GED Ready Practice Test

When you complete the GED Prep classes, we suggest taking the GED Ready® test.

The GED Ready is the official practice test that calculates your readiness for the actual GED test. When you take this test, you can score into one of the three zones: "Likely to pass," "Too close to call," and "Unlikely to pass."

GED Ready tests are available through the website. The price is $6.99 per subject. Some GED online programs, such as Onsego, offer GED Ready vouchers for free.

Schedule and Take the GED Test

There are 2 ways of taking the GED test: online and at a physical testing location. Although you need to pass the same GED exam, there are entirely different experiences.
You can take the online GED Test at home if you have a computer with a camera and microphone and a good internet connection.

Also, you need to get a "green score" on the GED Ready practice test.  It's a prerequisite for online testing.

If you plan to take a test at a physical location, you don't have you take the GED Ready test (in most states).

Online testing has many benefits. Most important is the fact that you don't travel to an official testing center. So, it's a less stressful event.

However, many students prefer to take the GED test at the testing center because they don't need to worry about the internet connection, computers, and other technology-related issues.

28 GED Online Prep Habits

When preparing for the GED exam, it is important not only to focus on simply studying hard but also on studying smart and learning about GED test-taking strategies that will help you improve your results.

So, your preparation efforts should not be only about learning the GED subject matter but also about how to take the exam effectively and wisely.

Discover the learning style that suits you best

First of all, find the learning style that fits you best. There are quite a few different learning styles and each student retains information differently.GED Online Classes

The main three learning styles are Visual (through images and pictures), Auditory (for learners who prefer the spoken word, music, or other sounds), and Kinesthetic (for students that learn best through a more physically orientated learning style with hands, body, sense of touch).

Space your study time out

Successful students space out their studying over a number of short periods of time. They don't try to cram it all into just a few sessions. To become successful, you need to have shorter study periods on a regular basis.

Remember The 80/20 Rule

Many students are familiar with the power of the 80/20 Rule.

The 80-20 rule is also referred to as the "Pareto Principle" which asserts that 80 percent of outcomes (outputs) come from just 20 percent of all causes (inputs).

Now with respect to your studies, if you focus your precious study time on 80 percent of all the information and know that by heart, you should be fine. If you don't command some little GED concepts, that's okay. You'll still pass that subtest so you can move ahead to the next GED subtest.

Remember about The Rule of Three

The so-called "Rule of Three" is saying that when you learn something new, you should be at least exposed to that topic three times before you may be expected to master that topic and know how to apply it.

So when preparing for the GED exam, don't expect you can recall the provided information from just watching a video lesson once.

If you, however, see the information on the topic two more times and watch the video perhaps two more times as well, you may expect to command the subject matter pretty well.

Take also multiple practice tests to identify your weak and strong points. After you've taken a practice test, go back to your video lesson and listen closely one more time.

The "Rule of Three" is well-known among sports coaches.

Basketball coaches, for example, understand that they can teach players new skills in 20 minutes, that it takes some 20 reps for them to feel comfortable with that, and that it requires some 20 days of repeated practice before the new skills have become deep-rooted. That is the same principle of our "Rule of Three".

Study at set times

It is key to create a daily study routine. When studying at the same time daily, your learning will become part of your everyday life and your studying will be more productive.

Stick to your study schedule

If you schedule specific times to study, be sure to stick with your schedule. Students that study whimsically and sporadically generally don't perform as well as those that stick to their study schedules.

Study with direction and set goals

Studying without any direction will not be effective so for each study block, know what needs to be accomplished. So every time you start learning, know what you want to accomplish during that study session.

The GED exam may now also be taken online by students that score "green" (Likely to Pass) on the GED Ready® practice test.

Don't procrastinate planned study sessions

Don't put off a study session for some excuse. Even if you dislike the subject or when you think you have some other thing that needs to be done, stick to your study session and do not procrastinate.

Keep in mind that procrastination often leads to rushing, the number-1 one cause of mistakes.

Avoid distractions

It's common to get distracted. Perhaps it's your family or it could be the TV. It could even be simply too quiet and some background noise might put you at ease. Either way, distraction leads to less focus which will affect your studying.

So try to find a place for your studying where you won't get distracted.

Take notes effectively

In a class or while studying online, take notes that you can review later. Be sure you take good notes that you will understand remember so you won't get confused later when reviewing them.

If you take notes very well, you'll see that taking the GED exam doesn't need to be that hard at all. So take notes and review them regularly.

Review your notes before you start a new session

Before starting a new study session, and also before starting an assignment, review the notes you took thoroughly.

This way, it's easier to catch up with the subject material and complete an assignment correctly.

Use the weekend to review your notes and other study material

To become successful, you should use the weekend to review your notes and what you have learned during the past week.

This way, you'll be prepared to learn concepts that follow up on earlier knowledge and coursework.

Create a positive mindset

When you're studying for your GED, try to think positively about yourself and remind yourself of what you have achieved, and think of your abilities and skills.

Try to avoid absolute thinking. Rather than thinking "As always, I'll mess it up," look for things that will help you do better.

Practice with friends

Well, they say that practice makes perfect, and that's true.

Sure, taking practice tests is a great way to discover your weak and strong points, but practicing with your friends or classmates is also a great way to test your knowledge and skills effectively.

Work on the easiest GED subject first

If you learn for the GED subtest first that is easiest for you, your self-esteem will get a boost and your learning may become easier.

This works for most students but there are also students that prefer to take the most difficult subject matter first.

They feel that if they have managed the most difficult subject, the following topics will feel like a breeze. The choice is yours but preparing for the easiest subject first is a proven method.

Call a teacher or another student when the topic is too difficult

We all understand that two heads are better than one. Don't feel embarrassed when you don't understand the topic. Your teacher or one of your classmates will be glad to help you.

During study breaks, move away from your study desk

When you take a break, step away from your study desk and do something totally different. Both your brain and your body need a break at times. Doing something actively is better than checking your smartphone, turning on the TV, or watching a video.

You better go for a short walk since that sort of activity will give your brain a real break.

Keep track of your studying with a planner

When it comes to studying, be sure to become well-organized so use a planner for your study tasks.

If you don't, you'll be wasting precious time as you'll be confronted with last-minute work that you forgot to learn about or you'll have to stay up late to deal with subject matter that should already have been completed earlier.

Check what you've done before you stop

When you've completed a study block, don't stop until you've checked your work for some careless mistakes. You should check it for spelling or grammar mistakes, proper presentation, or correct answers to the questions asked.

This way, you'll be on the right track toward earning your high school equivalent credential soon!

Stay away from your phone

We talked about distractions before but today, most students are using their phones continuously. S0 the good thing to do is to avoid your phone when you study. Just put it on silent, turn off alerts, and remove it from your study room.

Your education should be your number 1 priority during your study blocks.

Stay away from social media

Just as with your phone, distractions lead to bad study results. Social media rule many a student's life and as you'll probably use your computer or laptop for your studying, make sure you'll use it just for that!

Communicating through social media platforms can wait until you've completed your study block and checked your work for mistakes, right?

How about joining a study group

Social learners may want to join a study group to help them retain the study material better. Then, they'll have the chance to get difficult topics explained, ask questions, or benefit from questions that other students ask.

Keep in mind that a study group should be limited to no more than six students.

Get enough rest and sleep

Studying while being sleepy is highly ineffective. When your body tells you you're tired, take that seriously and take a nap or go to sleep. If you sleep well, you'll understand the information better and remember it easier.

A good night's sleep will take away your stress so your studying will benefit and your test scores will improve!

Practice with mock tests

Taking multiple mock tests is a great way to let the study topics sink in and get all set for the big day.

Taking practice tests will sharpen up what you've learned and will let you discover which topics require your attention most. There can be lots of practice tests found online and this website also offers you numerous mock tests at no cost.

While studying, practice active recall

Try to work deliberately on your active recall skills. When you're learning something new, try to close your eyes and recall a concept or fact from what you've learned from memory.

You may even carry around some flashcards and test yourself at free moments at times. Testing yourself regularly will help you retain the information in your long-term memory.

Learn more efficiently with the Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro technique lets you study for a limited time frame (10, 15, 20, or 25 minutes) and then take a little break. Then, repeat the same routine several times before you take a longer break.

The Pomodoro method is great for getting in the study mood as it is easier to tell yourself to learn for 20 minutes than for an entire hour. The little breaks in between allow for refreshing your brain before moving on to the next topic.

How the Pomodoro Method works

A well-known productivity technique is the "Pomodoro Method." When following this technique, you'll study 10, 15, or 25-minute long blocks. After all blocks, you can take a 5-minute break after which you'll resume your studying with the next 10, 15, or 25-minute block.

The goal of this method is to go build up your self-confidence through a number of small successes. Doing this, you're using the "Principle of Small Steps." Most students begin with 10-minute blocks.

Usually, when studying with the Pomodoro method, you take 'rounds' of learning. You will do 2, 3, or 4 "pomodoros" in a row, each separated by a 5-minute break. Then, after a round of "pomodoros", allow yourself a longer break.

To tell yourself to study for "only 10 minutes" is so much easier than thinking "Oh, I need to study for my GED Math test tonight." When you're comfortable with the idea of studying for 10-minute blocks, you may increase your time blocks to 15 or 25 minutes. Countless students find the Pomodoro Method to be highly effective.

When using the Pomodoro Method, and a study block is underway, don't succumb to distractions and don't answer phone calls. Don't check your email or Facebook and don't visit any website, not for one second. If you do that, this technique can be very helpful to earn your GED diploma fast and attain high scores as well!

Pay attention to study-friendly nutrition

Eating healthy nutrition ("brain foods") is known to improve your energy levels so you'll be able to focus on your study sessions more effectively.  Examples of "brain foods" include broccoli, leafy greens, and fatty fish, and – perhaps somewhat surprisingly, dark chocolate as well. Please avoid "brain poison" such as junk food or sugary snacks. If you fuel your body appropriately, it will help you attain positive results, also on your GED test!

GED Test-Taking Tips

Students who are well-prepared and have confidence in their abilities perform better. Anxiety and self-doubt detract from performance, even though the knowledge and ability are there.

Research tells us students who are familiar with test-taking techniques have less test anxiety and achieve better grades. So get familiar with these test-taking techniques.

Pay close attention to directions provided before the test

Just before you'll start your test, the examiner will explain how to answer the questions on the GED test properly. Listening to this advice is key when you take a standardized test like the GED.

Please read the directions given closely and follow them

Following the given instructions is crucial if you want to be successful on the GED exam. If you don't understand the directions, immediately ask the examiner for more explanation.

Pay attention to important keywords

When taking a GED subtest, look for words such as "most likely", "but," "expect," and so on. These sorts of words often provide clues and indicate in which direction the answer can be found.

First, eliminate obviously incorrect answers

Keep in mind that if any element within the answer options is wrong, the entire answer is definitely wrong. So eliminating obviously wrong answers will make your choice of the remaining options easier.

Always select an answer option

On the GED test, there is no penalty for choosing the wrong answer. So always choose an option from the multiple-choice answers. Guessing is perfectly okay on the GED test. Never leave a blank because, as said, guessing wrong is not penalized.

Watch out for answers with too many words

On the GED test, answers that are excessively wordy are usually incorrect. Don't get intimidated by excessive word use. Generally, the correct answer is pretty straightforward though you should be aware of tricky questions.

Make sure you answer what's being asked

It happens so often on the GED test that students don't answer the question that's asked. So read the questions carefully and make sure you answer what is asked.

FAQ about Online GED Classes

How effective are online GED classes?

Taking online GED classes is an effective way of preparing for the GED test, but it requires self-discipline and self-motivation.

Students can study at any time and from every location. Online learning can be done anywhere—from the comfort of your own home, or at the office at lunchtime, for example.

Further, there is no set schedule that you must follow, and you'll have no commuting expenses to and from class.

What's the difference between paid and free GED online classes?

The difference between free and paid online GED classes is related to the number of available lessons. Free online classes usually offer a limited number of lessons, while paid classes or courses cover a completed syllabus.

For example, this website,, publishes free online lessons based on the Onsego GED prep course.

There are in total 146 free lessons published. The Onsego GED prep course includes 468 lessons.

Paid courses also use motivational tools that protect you from procrastination and quitting. While all lessons are helpful, having access to a paid GED prep course assures that you pass the GED test.

Best GED classes online in 2021 chooses as the best online classes/courses of 2021. We are honored.

Our online GED prep classes are updated for 2021 and designed to help you succeed. We add new lessons and new practice tests regularly.

These new lessons reflect changes in the real GED test and help you get the essence of GED prep.

However, we need to be honest with you. There is no magic; you need to put in some work, but the rewards will be tremendous and your future promising.

Last Updated on November 15, 2021.

How to Get My Ged for Free Online
